Sunday, May 12, 2013

What I Wore Sunday: Mother's Day

Feeling very blessed this Sunday. Dog tired, but blessed. Which then leads me to wonder how the phrase "dog tired" came about, but as I'm already posting late, I will try to stay on task. Here's what we wore Sunday. As it was Mother's Day, and my dress was doing some funky monkey twisting in the wind on my full length shot, here is a pic of Mother Mary, me and Li'l G in the backyard.

Maxi dress - resale
Sweater - Old old in fact I can't even remember when I got it
Shoes: DSW
Hair: Hot mess in the cool wind, but the shrubbery does a fantastic job of camouflaging it.
Jewelry below...

Li'l G is in a Meijer coat, inherited dress, Carter's leggings, Dollar Store socks and Payless sparkly shoes. We're high rollers over here.

Though Li'l G will be three this year, I have to admit that this is the first year I have felt like a grown up mama on Mother's Day. It was nice to spend the day enjoying our family, even though the littles got somewhere between a C and C- for Mass behavior when they were awake. (Baby J slept through the first half.) They are sweet and well mannered. Li'l G just likes to add her own soundtrack, and Baby J just wants to be on the move. Tis the season!

We enjoyed a tasty brunch after Mass and I got to go shopping with the loot from all the mom emerituses in my life. No resale today, mostly because I needed to purchase "unmentionables" if you catch my drift. Follow that up with a pedicure to get my feet ready for warm weather when it finally decides to visit awhile, and it was a banner day, including some beautiful and thoughtful gifts. Now I'm curious as to the origin of the phrase "banner day"...

What else we wore: Making pudding in matching aprons (part of my gift)

Left: New four-way medal from the Hubbers, who remembered I had mentioned wanting one to add to my necklace. My standard neckware fare now.
Right: a lovely plaque with a kitchen prayer that my mom in law heard me mention while we were shopping together. Sneaky lady bought it, and I didn't even know.

That's our Mother's Day 2013 Sunday around here! For more Mass fashions, visit the ladies over at Fine Linen & Purple!

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