Sunday, November 10, 2013

WIWS: All In For Jesus

Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog, I'm linking up two weeks in a row with the ladies at Fine Linen & Purple for a little What I Wore Sunday action. Hanging our heads in sane shame here as we split Masses again. I'm under the weather and the Hubs had to work so we decided it would be best not to involve ourselves in a bout of wrastlin' this a of m. He went at 7:30 and then I ran out at 9 to a totally different parish than we normally attend. 

Had the pleasure of seeing Fr. Patrick who was ordained earlier this year celebrate Mass. We have known Fr. Patrick since his days at the seminary through a prayer group we try to frequent. As a Deacon he was placed in the parish that is affiliated with the high school where the Hubs works. This young, exuberant, holy priest is ah-mazing. He had an entire parish chanting at Mass. Loudly. A Catholic parish. Oh, I should clarify. I don't mean Gregorian or Taize. I mean sporting event chanting. No worries, it wasn't for the parish team or anything. He just wanted Jesus to know we were all in. "All in for You!" I have to admit I did fall prey to the giggles at one point watching people get into the chant. My little charismatic rally loving soul was pretty happy, which is a feat when I feel pretty crummy otherwise. Thank you Lord for an answer to prayer! 

I also realized how much I allow my musical preferences to become a stumbling block to me in prayer and Mass. Watching Fr. Patrick's honest enthusiasm for the whole celebration of the Mass was such an inspiration to simply praise God however we are able, whatever the musical style, whatever the parish flavor. It was a much needed reminder that we are there in praise and worship of our Maker, offering ourselves, all of ourselves, and allowing Christ to transform us by this encounter. We are taking in our Lord so we might better reflect His likeness than our fallen natures. So, bluegrass Mass or not, praise God for this grace.

And now, drumroll's what I wore!

Shirt: Thrifted
Pants: Thrifted
Jacket: Thrifted
Boots: JC Penney's
Glasses: Costco
Necklace: GroopDealz
Earrings: Target
Hair: Wind blown 
Makeup: Nonexistent 

Closeup of the pretties

Now I'm going to try to relax and enjoy the rest of naptime at the Casa whilst the Hubs schmoozes at the high school open house. Hope your Sunday is filled with holy rest!


  1. Love that pink coat! So pretty! And it's always nice to attend mass with an excited priest!!

  2. I would have loved to have heard the chanting! How cool!! Very nice outfit! Have a blessed week!
