Friday, April 8, 2016

{SQT} The One About All the Loose Ends: Mom, Kids, Homes, Love & Money

Shhh...don't get too excited. I'm just popping in with a really quick Seven Quick Takes update. The blog is still for the most part on vacation . . . unlike me. I am definitely NOT on vacation. If someone would like to send me on vacation, I am accepting offers.

Now...where did we leave off?


On her 78th birthday...
Ahhh, yes. Mom is still in a memory care facility and will likely be there for the rest of her days unless that miraculous recovery comes her way. She has developed an affinity for Bill Clinton, who takes her to shows off-Broadway in New York and to dinner in Boston. While the NYC and Boston events are likely remnants of reality in her past, I assure you Bill Clinton is not. I've finally taught G to smile and nod instead of looking at me with the "what the heck is she talking about" look. Ok, if I'm being honest, she does both. I'm just fine with that. Jude just likes to run around. Everywhere. Always. Oblivious. Though her mind is only loosely connected to reality, mom is in great spirits most of the time - maybe she is on to something!


I did finally get my day in court to finalize all the legal rigmarole surrounding taking care of mom and her business. Now comes all the official work of documenting her care and her estate. Thank goodness we didn't live at Downton - can you IMAGINE that inventory? Then again, I could just have Carson do it. All this needs to be done by the end of May. No biggie, right? Speaking of May...


Did I mention we sold our house? And bought a new one? St. Joseph was ALL OVER this puppy. I actually finished the novena on his feast day - I finished a novena on time, y'all - and with so many of you praying for and with us, I think he was kind of tired of hearing from me. We had an offer come in on the vigil of his feast day in March and then signed the papers on his feast day. We found our house the next day, and it was not one we chose to look at, but a "filler" that our realtor had thrown in the mix to look at between showings on other houses. Close date is looking to be around...yup, May 1, yet another homage to St. Joe. While he has this all wrapped up neat and tidy (or will have Mary help him with the trimmings), guess when we are likely moving? Mid-May. Mid-May, y'all. Guess what else is in mid-May?


Jojo is coming on May 19th, less than a week after we move into our new home. Easy peasy, right? There have been some wonky tests (all me, none him), but further testing/evaluating tells us it is nothing to worry about. Why are you laughing? I don't have time to worry! This kid is huge - as of my follow-up ultrasound at around 32 weeks, he was estimated to weight around 4.5 pounds. I deliver at 39 weeks. Chunky little smoosh-face this one. Also...I think he is going to look an awful lot like his brother. Just a guess. The kids are beyond excited to meet him, and to move. Now it's just getting all the packing done, which does NOT excite them as much (especially when their toys start disappearing).


Long story short, I am hoping that since many of our loose ends will be tying up in May, come June we will begin to be able to breathe a little easier and enjoy getting to know our new little man and settling into our new home. I may have to be reminded to let myself recover from a c-section before digging in to redecorating (which has all been done in my head already, so what's the fuss?). Seriously - all new wall colors are picked out, and new fixtures/furniture options are pinned/saved. Mama is ready. Jojo can help. You can check out the madness on my Pinterest New Home board. Madness.


That was a lot about me/us. Moving on....... If you haven't seen this on ye olde social media, now you will. Some of us kicked off a fundraiser for Mary Lenaburg and her family after an ancient $8000 hospital bill for Courtney came back at them during Holy Week. We started the #WeGiveABuck fundraiser hoping to erase that bill through a whole lot of love and small-medium donations. Y'all are rockstars - as of now we have kicked over 75% of that bill to the curb. 75%!! If you haven't had a chance to donate, please do consider it. The campaign is running through the end of April. Even $1 helps! (If you aren't familiar with Mary's story, do visit her blog. Besides getting to know her and her beloved Courtney who passed away over a year ago, you'll get to know what a faith-filled, grieving, loving, open mama's heart looks like.)


Last but not least, look for more #WeGiveABuck campaigns from The Pitter Patter Diaries and friends through the year. In talking with Mary when we were initially getting the launch of the campaign together, she acknowledged that their family had received so many blessings from their local and extended online community. She was quick to acknowledge, as we all know if we are on social media, that there were many - MANY - other families in need of love, support, and a few bucks. I already have one family in mind in my local community for May, but would love to form a small team who would help administer these campaigns (and help select the recipients). If you are interested, shoot me an email or leave me a comment. It's a shame that so many feel like they are drowning in a world that doesn't care and systems that do not show an ounce of compassion. One thing I think we are really gifted at as an online community is lifting one another up, and yes, proving that though it may seems like no one cares, we sure do. #WeGiveABuck - pun intended. Clutch those pearls if you must.

That's all from these parts for a little while. Who knows, if the packing all gets done and I catch up with my never-ending to-do list . . . erm, listS plural (mom, home, shop, life) . . . maybe I will be back before June! If not, stay in touch over on the Instagram and the Facebook. They've turned into my usual haunts while I keep swimming through these deep waters. Especially since they're easier to manage one handed when life looks a lot like this:

From earlier this morning. Now it is a boy without his pants
sprawled across my lap asleep because he is "done napping."

OH - and a very happy Easter to one and all! Now go check out what all the other peeps (non-gross marshmallowy ones) are up to over at Kelly's (and read up on some awesome parenting advice!)...


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  1. Loved reading your updates - whew you have a LOT going on. You truly are a Rahkstar!! - nancyo

  2. Sounds like a busy week and plenty of loose ends. I'm in my third trimester as well and my OB has done a few ultrasounds in 3D, which in all honesty are a little scary to me. They look so much cuter in the old-school ones!
