In my defense, I fully disclosed at the beginning of this blog that I am a terrible "journaler" (I don't think that is actually a word...) So, the fact that it's been more than a week since we've updated is really no surprise, right? Perhaps Hubbers should take over, since he is a much more dedicated blogger... Since we last checked in, we have had some big moments. Li'l G officially turned 1 month, visited high school, celebrated her 1st Thanksgiving, and was baptized - you can't say she's not a mover and a shaker! We've also just started to try to put her in her room instead of in the crib next to mama...more on that experiment later.
Let's see, 1st things 1st - Li'l G turned one month last Monday. I, of course, live in a time/space vacuum right now, so I thought it was last Sunday. I'm also not always certain what day I'm living in. Oops. Anyway, back to our baby girl's first month. We didn't really do too much to celebrate, but perhaps her turning one month might explain mama's craving for cupcakes? I'm going to run with that story. New developments at one month are a little harder to see when I spend nearly 24/7 with her, but she is definitely more socially responsive with lots of smiles and cooing when she is awake, fed and clean. She was starting to sleep a little better, but her cold has made that a little hit or miss. One night it's 6 hours, another night it's in 2 hour intervals. She is still a hungry, hungry hippo, though we went through a spell of major spitting up. I hear that comes and goes, though I am hoping it goes. I'm loving that she is spending some quality awake time sitting in her swing and talking (cooing, I know) while entertaining herself, so it makes it easier for me to get a few more things done around the house...or to use the bathroom if I need to! Of course, I have mixed emotions about the fact that there are now times where she would rather be sitting in her chair than snuggling. It really does end too soon...
Hubbers teaches at a local high school, and one of his classes is Marriage and Parenting. As part of the class, they have children come in so students can see them at different stages of development. So, a few days after turning a month, Li'l G and her mama went to visit daddy at school. We dressed her in her cutest little girl outfit (since the first day of school outfit is always muy importante!), and off we went. She was a huge hit (as if we had any doubt), and was pretty good too...ok, really good! She slept, she cried a little when she was hungry, she ate...and that's about it. I considered using the ever-popular snot-sucker if Hubbers wanted me to demonstate total-baby-meltdown, but she was doing so good I decided that experiment might not be in her best interest. We also got a glimpse of just how...healthy...our Li'l G is. There was another baby a year old in the class, and I think in a fair fight, Li'l G could have eaten her alive...if she had better control over her motor functions, of course. In defense of the other baby, she had been a preemie born at 31 weeks, so she's still catching up.
Her 1st Thanksgiving went rather well - she was asleep until dinner, of course. Why shouldn't she wake and eat when we eat?!? I did restrain myself from sneaking a little mashed potatoes her way - no need to explain THAT stomachache to the pediatrician. There's always next year! No worries, I didn't sneak her any cranberry sauce, wine or other delicacies either - she's still on a strict diet of stinky formula! Her cousins got a chance to spend some more time with her, though I think they found her somewhat boring. The rest of the family ate her up (not literally, of course), and she napped on Great Grandma during her very own food coma. She was, however, rather nonplussed at the Lions' performance along with the rest of the crowd. Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend she met her grandpa, who had been sick on and off so had yet to meet his darling granddaughter. We think he was taken with her, as well he should be!
Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend, Li'l G made her way into the Christian family as she was baptized into Christ. Our goal for the morning was to plan the timing of the feedings, changing and naps to try to minimize any meltdowns. I'm not sure we actually got it right, but by the grace of God she was absolutely wonderful through the whole event. No screams or tears at all! Li'l G's Grandmamma made her baptismal gown, using trim from the wedding dress I wore when Hubbers and I went to have our marriage blessed by Pope Benedict XVI at a Papal Audience during our honeymoon. It's just too bad Grandmamma wasn't able to join us for the event. Lots of pictures were sent though! She'll be here visiting over Christmas of course, though we're still praying that she might be able to make her way out here permanently next spring/summer-ish.
Other developments? Well, we're starting to attempt the move into the nursery at night for Li'l G. She's a big girl of one month now of course...well, technically six weeks! The first night wasn't stellar (though it wasn't an epic fail either). She's still in her swing to sleep since she's still got a bit of that pesky cold, so it will be interesting to see how she does when we put her in the crib itself. I've still got a bit of work to do in the nursery, but it is "liveable" for now. I'll feel better when it is completely done, and I can remove the air quotes when I say "liveable"! We will continue to give it a try until I find myself over-exhausted from middle of the night trips into the nursery - Hubbers is glad to be back in his own bed and we're going to try very hard to keep it that way. Got it, Li'l G?
As she hits the six week mark, I'm told we will see a big difference. She is definitely more alert and talkative, and her little smiles and giggles warm my heart (and her daddy's too!). The only "complaint" I have is the middle of the night routine, but truthfully she is usually quite good then too - just not on my schedule! That is fine for now...but when I get back to work, we'll have to renegotiate, little girl!!
That's all for now - we'll try to update again soon!
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