Thursday, May 16, 2013

Belated Beatitude Attitudes {vol. 6}: Lemonade Stand?

Sorry to have gone missing in action this Tuesday - I've been feeling a little worn down and haven't had as much of an opportunity to write. Nothing like Jen's scorpion sagas, but enough to keep me away from the keyboard. Thanks, Anna, for reminding me that people do read what I write, and that we are all connected in a very real sense in this mystical body of Christ. Sometimes I allow myself to wallow in my self-created misery and forget that I do not exist in isolation but am part of a much bigger picture.

Today is a beautiful pre-summer day, so let's drink some lemonade! (When life hands you lemons...get it?)

1) Blessed am I that God uses people to shake me out of my self-pity. Thanks again, Anna! (If you don't read her blog, you really should. She has such a gentle spirit and her writing is poetically beautiful. Go. Read. Now.)

2) Blessed am I that God's mercy is new every morning. Even the darkest night eventually ends, and most of the dark nights of my soul are made darker by my own creation, so morning usually brings a new perspective and realization that I choose to sit in darkness much of the time since Light is always waiting. (How's that for a run-on sentence?)

3) Blessed am I that when we are in the land of meltdowns and mass chaos, the Hubbers stays calm. I never thought I was not calm, but these few days have proved me rather wrong. My soul is not still - praise God his is!

4) Blessed am I that in the midst of a tantrum (mine) about a craptastic day, the Hubbers took the kids to play and came back with flowers. Oh, I mean that Li'l G brought her mama some flowers, which are a rare commodity in our house since our feline companions would like nothing more than to feast on those tasty treats.

5) Blessed am I that even at my worst, Hubbers sees in me my best.

6) Blessed am I to have meaningful work and people I truly enjoy working with and learn from every day how to be a better person, and better mother and a better ambassador for Christ on this earth. In sometimes stressful work, it is a true blessing to have many days where I leave inspired to be better.

7) Blessed am I that God sends me little reminders every day of what He intends me to do. When I just want to throw in the towel, he sends the tiniest whisper of a reminder that he wants me to hone and use all he has given me as gift, be it photography, writing, mothering or simply loving. I have to choose to remember that it is all for His glory and stop moping when I'm not an internet sensation overnight...or ever. As I was reminded today, even if all my work is simply to reach one person, Jesus left the ninety-nine for one, and one is enough. Now on to returning some emails...

I pray that you are all enjoying some fine lemonade this week, and I promise to chin up and host on schedule as best I can from now on! Blessings to you and your families as we approach Pentecost - rain down on us oh Fire of Love, rain down!

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