We are short on sleep and high on stark raving lunacy here at the Casa this week. I use the we in the royal sense. Here is just a quick snapshot of life and musings from the past week that I haven't had a chance to fully share on the blog. You know, sleep deprivation and all.
This quote:
"We must ask ourselves: Have not we Christians become perhaps too silent? Do we not perhaps lack the courage to speak out and witness as did those who witnessed the healing of the deaf-mute in Decapolis? Our world needs this witness; above all, it is waiting for the common testimony of Christians." Pope Benedict XVI, The Joy of Knowing Christ
This week commemorated yet another anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision and dedicated marchers set out on a frigid DC to stand in solidarity with those who literally have no voice. If only we protected our unborn the way we did endangered animals. Or whales. I digress.
The above quote got me thinking. What if we had an event that drew the kinds of numbers that the march did, but we shared how Jesus has washed away our blindness, cured our deafness and given us a voice again, despite our best effort to hang on to the darkness? Isn't that what needs to happen first? If we as a people no longer believe that Jesus came to bring us life in abundance, that we are each of us created in the image of God and therefore have an inviolable right to life, are we ever going to be able to protect the weakest among us?
I find it interesting that the march was on the heels of MLK Day celebrations in DC, too. Dwija shared an article that brought home what his legacy really meant. Not legislation, not better treatment, but a return to a belief in an inviolable dignity and interior freedom that is only bestowed by God alone. I found it to be a poignant commentary on the battles we face in other arenas today, and appreciated that someone called out the politicized back-patting that is MLK Day.
In the end, I think sometimes we are too vocal where we need silence, and silent where we need to speak. Mercy first. Love and mercy first.
Apparently this is now what we do at 3:30 in the morning. Someone is not so much about sleeping these days. These days need to end, because someone else would like to be able to sleep, in her bed, without a toddler attached to her. Now. Thank you. Jesus and I are having words.
In light of #2, more than a smattering of people thought I would appreciate this:
Y'all...there really are still some pretty decent people in the world. This story about a dad who was burning wood in a fireplace to keep a house warm for his family because they had no money hit the news around here. They've already raised $2000 and someone came forward to pay their utility bills. People just need an opportunity to show kindness in tangible ways.
Speaking of kindness and staying warm, this project caught my eye. I absolutely think we should yarnbomb the metro Detroit area one weekend.
Last, but not least, if you don't follow me on Facebook, you missed this little lunchtime gem of a story that Gia concocted. Apparently, when we grow up (because even a three year old knows I'm not grown), daddy will be Godzilla monster, Gia will be Mechagodzilla, and mommy will be a stomping dinosaur. Thank the good sweet Lord we had props to help her illustrate this story. She's a creative monkey, that one...
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