Monday, January 27, 2014

WIWS: I Stand With Jesus

Quick linkup with the ladies at Fine Linen & Purple for What I Wore Sunday. I meant to wear a cute dress and jacket, but...subzero windchill, friends. 

Sweater: old gift from my mom
Pants: Clearance from Target
Boots: Shoe Dept.
Piano: The boy's

Today's Mass readings use one of my favorite verses from Paul's epistles with regard to factions in the Church. First, it brings solace to know that from the very beginning there were people in different camps. Team Paul and Team Barnabas, etc. Team Tridentine vs. Team Guitar Mass doesn't seem so daunting now.

The greater point, as mentioned by Fr. Joe, is really that we are (or should be) on Team Jesus. It is Jesus' name in which we are baptized. It is Jesus who was crucified for us. It is Jesus who rose from the dead and offers us new life. Not Paul. Not Barnabas. Not the Holy Father. Not our opinions on what the church should be or how she should change (or not change). It is all for Jesus, by Jesus, and if we lose sight of that, we lose sight of our identity. El fin. 

So, for me, I'm Team Jesus all the way. Except when Team Rakhi gets in the way...but really all Team Jesus.

Praying you are all staying warm out there! Watch out for the Polar Vortex (who I think is just the Heat Miser marauding around in a super villian alterego)!

PS - Yes, that is still our Christmas tree up. We're going with the old calendar this year, so it comes down next weekend at the Presentation of our Lord. Next year's schedule for decorating is still up for discussion.......

1 comment:

  1. Love that you keep your tree up until the Presentation! And spring CANNOT come soon enough...
