Sunday, April 14, 2013

What I Wore Sunday {4.14.13}

We are quite ready for spring at Casa McCormick! If only it would get here to stay. Then again, I suppose then we wouldn't be in Michigan...

Mama McCormick (me)
Denim dress thrifted ($6!)
Lime green blazer thrifted ($10)
I just said I didn't like the comeback of neon the other day, yet I fell in love with this jacket. I blame the buttons you see in detail in the top center photo.

Li'l G
Denim dress & leggings - birthday gift
Sparkly shoes from Payless on clearance
Apparently mama and G were all matchy matchy today.

Baby J
Nothing too fancy, but what not-quite-9M old is wearing an 18 month shirt and not swimming in it? Yeah, that kid. Sigh. Time to make the switch to the 12 month clothes. We are running out of everyday clothes that fit this boy!

The Hubs didn't pose for pics, but he went with khakis and a short sleeve plaid shirt that's been in his closet for a few years. Maybe I'll get him to play along next week. :)

For more Mass fashions, visit Fine Linen & Purple for the link up!


  1. Your kids are so cute!!

    That green jacket looks really nice...and the neon color works well with the outfit...I'm not a huge fan of neon either, but that totally works.

  2. Oh, I love the dress and jacket combo! I don't really love the neon thing either, but the texture on that jacket could probably sell me. I also love how your girl is matching you today.

    I read your "About" section and your dating and marriage timeline is almost identical to ours. Just thought that was neat!

  3. I'm such a neon hater too but that jacket is a great color on you! Perfect with the dress and the buttons are way fun :)

    I wish I could get my husband to pose for pictures - he always looks the best out of all of us!

  4. Thanks, Amelia! We think they're pretty adorable too. :)

    That is neat, Cat! Was reading a bit on your blog and it sounds like you two have had just as adventurous first few years of married life, though in different ways. Would love to chat more sometime and see how you guys are doing!

    Rosie, that jacket had me sweating from bad 80s flashbacks, but the buttons and fit won me over. My mom should be happy - she's been trying to get me to wear brighter colors for years! I'm not so optimistic on the pics of the Hubs fashions. He's a little less adventurous. :)

  5. What terrific thrift store finds! I would have fallen in love with those buttons too. And your kids are too too too cute.

  6. Thanks, Shannon! I had a really good thrift day which will be on the blog this week. :) Your son is adorable - he looks like a bundle of joyful energy! Hope you are feeling better.

  7. Oh, those buttons are great! I love your dress/jacket combination. Very pretty!
    My husband loves that neon is back. He was in to break dancing in the 80's. Lol! He wants me to wear it more often. I love that you paired yours with a blue that mellows it. Perfect!
