Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Celebrating the Feminine Genius

While this blog has been around for the last three years, I've only recently really started fully exploring all that the blogosphere has to offer. What I have found over the last several months is a community of faithful, joyful, women and mothers who edify me, support me, challenge me and can commiserate with me as I walk through the steps of this crazy journey of Catholic motherhood. Heck, for that matter just plain old simple Christian motherhood. 

The shadow side of this amazing community, of course, is that I start to compare. I compare where we are in our family to where everyone else is. I compare our burdens, our successes, our size, our faith life, our tidiness, our accomplishment, and all that jazz. We know, of course, that comparison is the death of motivation in so many ways. If you haven't read Ann Voskamp's piece on throwing away the measuring stick, get to it stat! I think it is a piece I may end up printing and using as wallpaper, because boy oh boy do I struggle. 

Today, though, instead of comparing in the dark corners of my heart and mind, I wanted to share with you some of the feminine genius that is exploding around my virtual world. Now, I know there are many, many other women out there who are doing amazing things, but these were the few that just hit my radar this week.

Jennifer Fulwiler released a sneak peek at the cover of her book which will be released in March. Upon the suggestion of my husband and my friend, Mary, who was my 7QT gateway, I began my slow descent into the larger world of blogging women though Jennifer's blog, Conversion Diary. No, the "diaries" part of this name actually wasn't a hat tip to her, though I suppose it certainly could be. She really doesn't know me from Adam...well, let's say Eve, because I kind of hope she'd recognize me from Adam...but she definitely plays a pivotal role in motivating me to write more. I am so excited for her and can't wait to read memoir.

She's not the only one with a book out. Cari Donaldson (Clan Donaldson) just released her book, Pope Awesome and Other Stories. Simcha Fisher's (I Have To Sit Down) upcoming book, A Sinner's Guide to NFP, has been making the rounds. Amanda Mortus (Worthy of Agape) self-published her book of the same name, Worthy of Agape. I know there are so many others I am forgetting right now. 

Books aside, Jenna from Call Her Happy started a blog consultation business in collaboration with a friend, and reportedly they are doing quite well. Bonnie from A Knotted Life just started a short video series, her latest being some tips on a simple, meaningful Advent.  

Put aside special projects, and all kinds o' women whose blogs I read are throwing around their genius in fashion, parenting, homeschooling, cooking, crafting, reading, writing, painting, and simply being amazing models of faithful women for the world to see. 

Check these ladies out!

Me? What am I up to you ask? Oh, well, there's that speaking engagement I have in December, but that's pretty out of the ordinary here. For the most part, I just had a meltdown and am staring at a growing mountain of laundry trying to quell the latest tantrum as I procrastinate starting my books...and sometimes they're even the kids' tantrums... Oh, and I bought a new skirt*.

*I didn't really just buy a new skirt. Well, not in the last week. It's a reference to a Caroline Rhea comedy routine my college bestie and I saw years ago. She's talking about all her friends who are getting promotions, getting married, having babies...her contribution to the conversation was that she got a new skirt. Glad I could clear that up!

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  1. Good stuff. It is hard not to compare isn't it? Especially in the bloggin world.
    LOVE the skirt reference, like, um...so much! That pretty much was my twenties.

    1. Seriously. So.freaking.hard! Oh, and I am totally editing to throw in BOLD ministry - um so obvious it would have bit me, but didn't make it in. Yeesh.
