Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Five Faves: Literary Lists

It appears God thinks I need to read more. I'm not sure if the author of time will squeeze more hours into the day, but I think it is clear I have some reading to do. (It is also clear God does not think new hair accessories or Target giftcards would help me.) I've recently won two books, which I am very excited about, but sadly have not been able to pick up and dive into. With those two, plus some others collecting dust or sitting in my wishlist, perhaps I'd better get to reading. Linking up with Hallie at Moxie Wife today to share my "must reads I haven't gotten to yet." (Affiliate links are provided so you can get your own copies if you want!)

1) One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp: I've heard nothing but glowing praise for this book. The subtitle/tagline is "Dare to live fully right where you are." Who couldn't use a little more of that and a little less of "I'll do X when Y"?? I know I surely could. Better get to getting this off my wishlist and onto my "devoured in three hours" list! I have a feeling it is that kind of book.

2) My Sisters The Saints by Colleen Carroll Campbell: This beautiful book has been gathering dust since Mother's Day, when the Hubs got it for me. It has been calling my name, but non-Kindle/iBook literature is awfully hard to read in the dark, which is generally when the house and my mind is finally quiet enough to get some reading done. I keep seeing the book or references to it everywhere lately, though, so perhaps it is time to dust it off and invest in a strong night light!

3) Small Steps for Catholic Moms by Danielle Bean & Elizabeth Foss: So funny story. I actually won this from a giveaway at, and don't have it in my hands yet. I am very much looking forward to it, though. Oh, the funny story. For more entries in the giveaway, there was an option to share on social media, with a little blurb you could just copy and paste. For expedience I just pasted the blurb onto my status on Facebook. Apparently, without editing, it made it sound like I write for Just to be clear, I don't write for them (though if the opportunity ever came along, I would certainly entertain it with chocolate and wine...cough cough). I am, however, very much looking forward to this book, especially as the reviews have mentioned that it already presupposes that I will fall off the wagon at least once. Thus, the small steps.

4) Strange Gods: Unmasking the Idols in Everyday Life by Elizabeth Scalia: Ever since I saw a flier on a bulletin board at a parish exploring the idea of idols beyond the physical golden calves, I have been intrigued by this concept. Once again, this one remains on my wishlist and perhaps it is time to move it up the reading queue. I have heard phenomenal reviews of this book, and enjoy Elizabeth's writing at After the difficulty we have staying off our handheld devices, I think maybe it is time to take a deeper look at our false attachments. The cover itself is a great indictment on where our time and energy is spent that may not fully be Christ-centered. Perhaps a good autumn weekend read with a cider and donut in hand...

Last, but most certainly not least (just the order in which the images uploaded),

5) Worthy by Amanda Mortus: This was another book I won recently thanks to Amanda! I enjoy reading Amanda on the blogosphere, and am definitely looking forward to finally poring over these pages. I think she hits home with an ache that is deep in so many women's hearts (heck, human hearts!); that feeling of unworthiness can be debilitating and is most certainly not of God. I can't wait to learn from her insights and be able to better share with others just how worthy God thinks they are! 

If you haven't read these and would like to join me, let me know. I wouldn't mind an accountability partner to keep me on my reading track. If I have missed any great books that should be on my reading list this autumn, leave me a note. Don't forget to visit Hallie at Moxie Wife for other Five Favorite lists!

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  1. I wanna read One Thousand Gifts! Thanks for the book suggestions...although my Kindle is full of at least 10 I have yet to read....oops.

  2. I read and loved 1 and 2!! Reading Amanda's book right now and it has been very good for me and I feel like I have never read a book like it ever before; the analogies are really good she uses!

  3. The only book on your list that I have not read is My Sisters The Saints, and it is one that I can not wait to get my hands on! I enjoyed Strange Gods and Worthy. I highlighted more than a few paragraphs in both of them. I liked One Thousand Gifts, but l had to read it slowly. Ann Voscamp's style of writing is hard for me to read in large chunks. Small Steps is one that read on and off all year long. There are so many great saint quotes and to the point prayers. :) I hope you enjoy your new books!

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