Saturday, November 16, 2013

Have Mercy! picture John Stamos (aka Uncle Jesse) saying it. And there we go.

I wrote earlier in the week about the ways in which our family is being called to refocus our attention on mission in smaller ways, starting within the family and then extending out. In a similar way, Jeni (aka The Patron Saint of Poopy Diapers) wrote a post in September about ways we can do that with the works of mercy as well that I am just now coming across after finding her blog courtesy of Jennifer's Seven Quick Takes linkup.

Reading her post made me realize how much the practice of mercy and love begins at home...just like Blessed Teresa said wouldn't you know?

Feed the hungry.

Clothe the naked
Give drink to the thirsty.

Comfort the sorrowful

Admonish the sinner.
(Teach right from wrong in this case)

In so many ways our lives as parents are built to help us live out the call to practice corporal and spiritual works of mercy. Like all else in life, sometimes we get focused on the really big and lose sight of the the little way, of the small acts with great love. If we don't practice mercy in our own families, we certainly won't be in shape to extend mercy when the bigger call comes. (Please note that the "we" is used in a proverbial sense.)

Visit Jeni's blog to read more on how we can be beacons of mercy in our every day lives.

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  1. Hi Rhakki, thanks for the reminder. It's true that sometimes we're trying to practice acts of mercy with strangers and forget to start at home, especially with our little ones. Here is a post written by Michelle that has to do with that, I really loved it.
    I also wanted to tell you that I nominated you for a Liebster Award. My post on that is here:
    Check it out and see if you want to join in the fun :D

  2. This is a great reminder to me because sometimes I forget to practice acts of mercy within my own family, especially with my little ones. You shoul also read this post by Michelle
    Also, I´ve nominated you for a Liebster Award. come on over here and see if you want to join in the fun :)
