As we are on the tail end of Casa colds, the Hubs and I split Mass again this morning and the kids stayed in their pajamas. I could insert a photo of what they wore today, but I'm guessing that's not quite what the ladies at Fine Linen and Purple had in mind. As for me, well I dressed down with jeans and a sweater this week again...a very light sweater since it is almost 60 degrees. No picture given the rain and all, so I will refrain from breaking the rules and linking up sans photo...
Two things from Mass stuck with me through this day. The first was from the homily. Father pointed out that our lives are filled with challenges no matter how holy we are, but most of those challenges arise when we stray from God's will or His way. Frustration arises out of a growing gap between how God would have us act and how we wish to act (or have another act). We can only control our own behavior, so the more we stay centered on what the Lord wants, though challenges may still face us, the more peaceful our hearts will be.
The second thing was a quote from St. Bonaventure a seminarian shared as he was speaking after Mass. "If we have everything and do not have Christ, we have nothing. If we have nothing, but have Christ, we have everything."
Sunday is family prayer day. While every evening we make an effort to pray together, Sundays we pray the Rosary together as a family. Li'l G knows almost all the prayers (the Fatima prayer still escapes her), so she likes to pray along, which we encourage. Tonight she was a little on the vocal side that she wanted to say the prayers by herself. We also say the Hail Mary with her at bedtime and then bless her. So for the first few times, when she said the Hail Mary, she ended with "Amen and God bless you," and then air-blessed us from her chair.
Before we started the Rosary this evening, I decided to put a note on Facebook and Twitter asking for prayers. I had put something on Twitter last week, but got no responses. We got many requests for prayer tonight, so we will be making this a new family prayer tradition (unless my mind fails me and I forget...). Every Sunday, a half hour before our family Rosary, we'll be sending out a call for prayer requests, so if you follow the 'Diaries on Twitter or Facebook, look for it!
That's it for now. Back to preparing the Scripture readings for our Advent calendar. Can you believe it is only a couple weeks away?
UPDATE: OH! How could I forget?? We also watch the Father Brown Mysteries on PBS (originally on BBC), and for weeks have been nagged by the feeling we had seen the actor who plays Father Brown on something before. The Hubs finally figured out tonight that it is Mr. Weasley! I can't believe I didn't figure that one out right away!
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