Friday, May 16, 2014

7QTs on Moving, Roads, Strong Wills, and Love Love Love

Time again for another Quick Takes! I've been taking a bit of a break from the creative life while we are getting mom settled in. The huge "let's get this done NOW" side of me takes over and I get focused on the list of things to do with the new house, and it seems, I cannot multitask indefinitely. Apparently rather than rolling with it and documenting the whole process, I turn into a huge roll and curl up in the fetal position trying to stay awake while my eyelids remain uncooperative and all of a sudden I'm losing matches of QuizUp because we skipped from Round 1 to 5 in the matter of seconds where my eyelids failed me. It's a hard knock life. 

I'll be back, though. You'll see. For now, here is a snippet of life at Casa McCormick and the many thoughts that have been fleetingly floating through my cerebral tissue.

I need to be a more patient driver. I understand this. In making this statement, I do wonder if every road within a 20 mile radius from us needs to be under construction at the same time, however. Is it really necessary to try my patience in order for me to acquire some? Really? God - got any good ones here? I won't be applauding orange as the new black any time soon unless it means completely new roads and not a blacktop mess.

Which leads me to this gem of a reflection, otherwise known as airing a pet peeve. I really, truly hate when people refer to our roads, however decrepit, as war zones. I have a feeling people in war zones would disagree. A lot. I understand that the roads look like something resembling a gravelly patchwork quilt sewn together by a three year old and the potholes resemble craters, but hey - no bombs or mines, right? So there is that.

This three year old is giving me a run for my money. Strong willed daughter, meet strong willed crabby sleep/caffeine-deprived mom. It ain't gonna be pretty. It's a good thing you're pretty cute. And funny. Here was our morning exchange as I left for work:

Me: Bye sugar pie! I love you baby girl!
Her: Yeah, ok. Bye!

Yup, the stuff of best-selling mom/daughter memoirs, and you saw it here first, folks!

Going further into the "it ain't gonna be pretty" sentiment, any suggestions on keeping your cool when you are exhausted (physically AND emotionally)? I'm thinking of checking out Parenting With Grace by the Popcaks and Grace-Based Parenting by Tim Kimmel (which I started to read when I worked at the bookstore, but never finished or purchased). Any other recommendations? I know beefing up the prayer routine morning, noon and night will help too. I'd rather have more moments of laughter and fewer moments of exasperation (which I realize may be completely a necessary attitude adjustment on my part, but I might need help getting there). I want to remember this time not only for its trials, but its joys, which are aplenty but sometimes get lost in the midst of battle.

There is SO MUCH to do when you move! Just to be clear, we aren't moving anywhere. My mom moved here last weekend, and we are in the midst of settling in. The movers have come and gone, we've bought appliances, hooked up utilities, and yet there is still a long list of things to do. LONG. LIST. Also, it feels like she has already been here a month, but it's not even a week. That's not a bad thing, just seems like we've been running longer than a few days. I guess throwing our work schedules and Mother's Day in there adds to the activity. I am very glad she is here, but will be even more glad once things have completely settled down (and by completely, clearly I mean mostly).

Last weekend we had our True Beauty Breakfast, which is an annual fundraiser for Mary's Mantle, where I work. It is always a beautiful event, hosted at such a lovely venue. Wouldn't you know after the closing neighboring Hades the night before, I left my camera at home.

One of our women gave her testimony, sharing how her mother had pressured her into aborting her child a few years ago (this isn't a unique story), and the pain and struggle that ensued afterward...oh, and that she pressured her again with this last pregnancy, which is when she ended up with us and a beautiful child. Y'all - I just don't get it. The one part of the job I will never get used to (which is likely a good thing), is hearing over and over that mothers will not allow their daughters to live with them if they choose to keep their babies.

I understand that there are situations where treatment facilities are a better option if your child has issues beyond your ability to help them. 99% of these women do not fit that bill. I cannot imagine a day my daughter comes home and says to me she is facing an unplanned pregnancy that I would boot her our of our home. If anything, she will need more of my love and support, no matter how disappointed I might be in the decisions she made to get herself into the situation. I.cannot.imagine. Yet I hear that story over and over and over and over (sometimes from mothers who profess a faith in Christ!) and it makes me cry every.damn.time. I'm tearing up right now writing it. How have we gotten so far off track in our families? I just cannot fathom it. Thank the good sweet baby Jesus that He didn't hold us to the same standards or my butt would be T-O-A-S-T toast! I am so privileged to be able to work in this ministry, despite the bad days and the struggles that come along with it. We have so much work to do, though. So much work.

Whoa nelly, I got on a bit of a roll there, sorry. What I really meant to say was that I ran into my bestie-seester which was a complete surprise, and it was awesome. There are some people in our lives that God sends us to smooth the roughness, and she is one of those peoples for me. You know those friends who by just seeing them you feel your whole body relax and your Spirit lift? Yeah, one of them. It was awesome, and perfectly timed. Thankful for her and my other sisters in Christ who help my spirit be at ease. X to the O to all of you!

Speaking of Mother's Day way up in the previous takes, the Hubs went and got creative! He made me a ticket book with things I can redeem like an afternoon away, back rubs (already cashed that puppy in), foot rubs, yada yada yada. Love. He's kinda the best. Even the goofy childlike part of him that went to see Godzilla at a special "see-it-before-it-opens-for-real" screening last night at 10 p.m. (that's like his midnight, which incidentally what he was originally going to do) and texts me that he is tired now. This monster-loving gent is all mine, ladies, all mine!

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1 comment:

  1. I hear ya about construction zones. I am not a patient driver and it seems like we have so many construction zones around here, too! Ugh.
    And that is such a sweet Mother's Day gift your hubs put together! What a great gift. :)
