Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Even Blogs Go Through Lent...

As I hinted in an earlier post, I've decided to make some changes to this blog. I had mentioned when Baby J was born that "You, Me and Li'l G" didn't necessarily reflect our family completely anymore (though I suppose the "you" could be anyone). So here we are, in this season of reflection and renewal and apparently redesign.

I've been tossing around names with Hubbers, and while some were funny to us in this moment (like MrMrsandChickenKisses* - I'll explain later), it took a little while to come up with something that got to the heart of what I wanted to recreate. You may have seen me mention that I have felt a little lost in my writing. While the adventures of our family are nice to chronicle, I didn't feel like I had anything special to add that was worth mention in Ye Olde Blogosphere. After some prayer, I thought back to a conversation Hubbers and I had about needing to find a niche - something that hooks the readers, but more than that, something I am passionate about that I can share which may engage people in mind, heart and spirit.

This Lent I've been reading ... we use that term loosely in my case ... Works of Mercy by Mark Shea. Within 2 pages into the introduction I was hooked. I've been really struggling with "service" in ministry for several years, especially after organizing service trips. Something felt like it was missing. One day I was at the Solanus Casey Center walking around the etched windows as you head to/from St. Bonaventure, and it hit me. They have on the walls art representing both the corporal AND spiritual works of mercy. I realized that we spend a lot of time talking in secular terms about serving one another, but why? Why not reach into the treasures of our faith, of Scripture, of the Saints and embrace both arms of mercy in a very overt way? (I say overt, because I do believe that people of faith innately add the spiritual works in some way, but it is not generally as discussed or prominent as the corporal works.)

If you read my answers to Mary's questions from the Liebster award, you'll know that one of my life goals is to instill a deep love of Jesus in my children, and in turn, a deep conviction to serving our neighbors. So that is where part of this blog is headed. This leads me to the new name - The Pitter Patter Diary. First and foremost, I'll still be sharing the adventures of our family of littles and animals, as we hear the pitter patter of their feet throughout our lives. Moving in a new direction, though, I'll be spending a little time focusing on the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy throughout the year and reflecting on how to promote them within your family and commit yourself to serving in faith with your family, little ones included. We are Christ's hands and feet in this world, and the world desperately needs to hear and feel the pitter patter of our feet and Christ's loving heart through us. So, I give you, The Pitter Patter Diary, a blog in transition - new look, and aspiring to new content. :)

Good night and peaceful slumbers to all!

*Li'l G likes to build robot chickens with her lego blocks, and from there somehow there evolved chicken kisses - quick little pecks. And there you have it.


  1. Love it! What a great concept for the blog. I look forward to reading. And I love building robot chickens :)
